IF I try to impose a rule or law that is now viewed as outdated and useless, I did not learn the lesson the first time around.
IF I am impatient to teach you while you learn for yourself, I haven't mastered the lessons myself.
IF I put too much effort into winning an argument, I risk losing the people who matter.
IF a rumor is spread about me, and I don't make an effort to disprove it, it becomes accepted as truth.
IF I ask you to do more while not making the extra effort myself, I am unreliable.
IF I can't help bring out the best in you, then I'm not showing you the care you deserve.
IF I don't stand up for what is true, I let you view an illusion as the reality.
IF I don't value and adore anything about myself, I don't believe in God.
IF I proclaim, "God is good!" but, deep down, I question and ignore His existence and full authority, I then am a hypocrite.
IF I can't get you to believe and realize that life is lovely anyway, I trick you into thinking that great things are unreal.
IF all I see is darkness within me, I will make your day so miserable too.
IF I fail to set a good example for you, I leave you with nothing amazing to aspire to.
IF I tell you what to do all the time, and prevent you from speaking up and championing for yourself, I make you into an idiot.
IF I take up all the work and don't let you put forth any effort, I render you useless.
IF all I do is whine and contribute to making the issue worse rather than better, I am not at all helping.
IF I am unwilling to defend others for their own good, I cannot expect God to protect me either.
IF I stand in the way of someone's personal growth, I am failing them.
IF I prevent people from freely seeking and discovering the truth for themselves, I am living a lie myself.
IF I believe that I am superior to you by undervaluing you, I am no better than anyone else.
IF I believe that being complacent will lead to greater achievements, I'm fooling myself.
IF I am not open to change, I lose out on wonderful chances and even the people I adore.
IF I give love more and accept less than I deserve in return, I let other people devalue and take advantage of me.
IF I fail to consistently abide by my own teachings, my beliefs lack substantial moral significance.