Friday, September 20, 2024

We Are Our Own Freedom

Until now, there has never been a period in our global history when freedom was exercised fully with such fervor. Even while some nations appear to be embodying freedom superficially, yet, their citizens are still subjected to laws and regulations that are intended to keep them under control. Certain fads mentally stimulate certain class of individuals so they easily follow suit. Some traits are regarded as normal, and those who don't conform are labeled as outcasts by their peers and their families.

If we are all still subject to restrictive ideologies, laws, and institutions, then what good is freedom? How can we break out from that terrible trend? Can we reinterpret freedom and declare that the term "freedom" is obsolete? We may all be our own freedom; we can also start a new trend collectively.

Picketing is another way to exert one's freedom, but it's not the best idea because it could lead to additional laws and restrictions; it's like inviting more trouble instead of solving it. Although winning an argument can help you win conversations, you might never be able to win over those whose opinions don't matter. To rile up a big crowd requires a great deal of skill, knowledge, and perseverance. But first, since we don't have much patience to begin with, it's crucial to cultivate it within ourselves. Still, we should exercise our freedom most courageously within our own walls and identities.

Freedom of self-expression was never valued in the generation I come from. My family consists of six children, and since I am the fifth, I felt obligated to follow any pattern our eldest set for the rest of us siblings. Was it the kind of freedom I truly desired for myself? I asked myself this silent question constantly when I was three years old, and it has persisted to this day to help me make many important decisions in my life.

It is possible to depict speech and freedom of expression in a more tasteful, artistic, sensible, and unapologetic manner, than simply showing it irresponsibly without considering if it should inspire or only have an influence on others. Formerly considered a taboo, tattooing is now accepted as an artistic medium, and for some people, each incision on their body represents a meaningful story. Another kind of art in which everyone can express themselves without feeling guilty is music and songwriting, whether through simple listening, composition, or singing. As for me, writing is just another way that I express myself. 

These days, there are other ways to fight for our freedom besides combat. Bloodshed is no longer the norm; instead, peaceful collaboration and corroboration of the creative ideas of those seeking freedom are more common, a freedom that would last for many lifetimes.

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